Winter’s Last Dance: Chicago Braces for Morning Snow, Chilly Weekend Ahead

2 Min Read

As Chicagoans prepare to bid farewell to winter, Mother Nature has one last surprise in store: snow may lead to a slick morning commute tomorrow. Clouds will gather tonight, heralding the arrival of light snow in the early hours of Friday. While areas south of I-80 are expected to receive a dusting to an inch of snow, caution is advised for commuters across the city.

But fear not, weekend warriors! Despite the wintry chill, fair weather awaits Chicagoans over the weekend. Saturday morning will greet us with temperatures in the teens, gradually climbing to the upper 20s to low 30s during the day. However, Sunday brings a warmer breeze, with temperatures soaring into the 40s, promising a thaw from the recent freeze.

Looking further ahead, the mercury is set to rise even higher next week. Monday will see temperatures reaching the upper 40s, a welcome change for those longing for spring’s embrace. And by Tuesday and Wednesday, Chicagoans can expect temperatures to climb into the 50s, signaling a definitive shift towards warmer days ahead.

Get ready to navigate the changing weather patterns, Chicago! Stay tuned for further updates as we bid adieu to winter and embrace the promise of spring on the horizon. : Follow Us on Google News.

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